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We have some news that may be disappointing for our pet-loving community. After several years of providing a comprehensive resource for pet owners, Petpedia has closed due to increased infrastructure costs.

We understand that you may have relied upon this website for the various resources it provided. While this news is certainly not what we wanted to share, we are already hard at work creating the next chapter of Petpedia. We believe that our mission - to provide pet owners with the best possible resources and advice - will continue in whatever form the future of Petpedia takes.

Please know that we remain committed to serving all pet owners and will continue to update you as our plans progress. In the meantime, if you need any further assistance or would like to provide us with feedback on what you think would make Petpedia even better, please reach out via the email address below.

Thank you for being part of this journey with us and we look forward to continuing it together!

The Petpedia Team


[email protected]